Saturday 9 September 2017

The Late Post : TGIF

A Friday night chilling and enjoying a few tunes before bed.

This track is particularly nice.
I'm missing Ghana actually, late night drives sweet music warm air and freedom. You simply can't beat it.

Lots to do this weekend, a full day scheduled for tomorrow as I work on a few pressing things

My days have been hectic, but as Ti says keep pushing on, just keep pushing on...

Complete enough tasks then it's all roads to Hackney Carnival
East London... set your dial to enjoy..


Government & Governance

Key to stability in Africa is good governance, education, and civil involvement.
This was an interesting read

An ongoing area of concern is perhaps what's known as Africa's brain drain.
Are there really more educated africans living outside of Africa than within?.
Yet... many do return.
In Ghana many teachers who complete Teacher Training are assigned a school almost immediately, but it's changing, and there are challenges.

Limited resources in some areas, and stagnation wages are a source of frustration.
Despite this, Teachers remain passionate and committed

It's worth remembering that most, if not all African leaders were educated abroad. They return with the skills and knowledge that could totally transform their countries, yet something happens.
Sure, there are numerous factors which they must consider. Culture and traditional beliefs being they remain extremely powerful, and are to be respected.
It's a juggling act, but one which they must and can get right... eventually.

Stability is key.

Peace x


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