Saturday 25 October 2014

Word on the Web on ISIS and Ebola.

Thought I'd take a look at a few videos skeptical to say the least about Ebola and Western ( American) Foreign Policy

If I were to summarize the videos the dominant themes on Ebola are that..
1. It is totally fake with footage created using crisis actors and actresses enabling a western take over of a mineral rich region
2. It's the precursor to mass poisoning and population reduction and control

If I were to sum up the videos on foreign policy it would probably be by saying.. 'wow.. god help us'.
and perhaps truth really is stranger than fiction

There are lots of videos covering both subjects

This became surprisingly more interesting as it went on

Dick Gregory controversial as always.



  1. If only ebola were a hoax ~ so many people suffering, so many dying. Have a good one, Dawna!

    1. I hear you Fundy. It does go to show just how little many people now trust the powers that be.
      I once read a book called 'A Question of Trust. great book. I cant remember the name of the author at the moment but I'll revisit it.
      On an odd note the delivery of the guy in the 1st video made me laugh abit. he came across as so disgusted!
      Yes.. going okay Fundy going okay:)
