Sunday 17 June 2012

The Why

I had a conversation with someone who was concerned for a neighbour. Apparently her children had been taken away from her due to her spiralling drink problem.. and she hadn’t been seen for days.
I asked him.. “ why does she drink?”.. he said “ you know it’s funny .. but I’ve never asked, you just don’t do you?”..
errrr ..hell yeah
Usually first thing I ask (or wonder)anyway

When we see drug users or alcoholics we see, and quite often smell, the effects of the drug, and our actions tend to be a reaction to that. ( and their behaviour of course)
Like anything though, if you do something often enough it becomes a habit, and with addictive substances.. .an addiction.
But the why?.. is the real issue for me
And is there really such a thing as an addictive personality.. someone with an addictive gene?

The neighbour was okay btw.. just too depressed (and drunk)to answer the door at the time..


  1. I've never understood the drinking and drugging thing. When you finally come out of it all your problems are still there. I don't understand it. My parent were alcoholics and the only reason my father stopped is because he eventually died. I drink occasionally, it's not a big deal to me. I refuse to be dependent on a drink or some drug to get by in this fucked up thing called life.

  2. I have a feeling the knowledge that the problems wont go away may make some feel like .. what the heck.. ease my burden somehow, but then the drink or drug becomes another burden to add to it all. I sympathise.. not an easy thing
