Sunday 4 September 2011

Trust Darling..

I know myself pretty well.
I also know that I find it quite difficult to trust people
put it this way, I will... I but eventually.. tentatively.. mindfully.. and most importantly.. hopefully!

It's an effort for me..but it's an effort that I try to make, because I believe the benefits are worth it, and despite my fears I know I have to give a little.
So I do. Do I get my fingers burnt.. yes!.. do I risk, or experience disappointment.. hell yeah!

There are lots of reasons why I 'kinda'find it difficult to trust, but I wont go into that now. Maybe I'll share that in another post.

The reason I thought about trust is because Alistair Darling has published his memoirs.. where he very candidly talks about his relationship with our ex P.M Gordon Brown, and the financial crisis, and how awful and dysfunctional an experience it had been.

Mr Darling ( who has a fine head of hair- and has always reminded me of Troy!.. Thunderbird)was on Andrew Marr show discussing it, and ended the interview by saying he's 'not interested in living in the past!'

This for me is another example of why you can take what many politicians say ( when they're in power) with a pinch of salt.
The fact that he wasn't honest at the time, makes me think he should just keep bloody schtum now!

I will confess, I'm quite interested in reading it though
But arrrr.. can you take anyone at face value anymore?

I think what I'll do in future when someone says something to me is stop and say.. Okay... do you really mean that or are you just trying to be polite!?!
Do you really mean that or are you trying to avoid confrontation!?!
Do you really mean that or are you taking the P!?!
Do you really mean that or are you trying to deceive me!?!

Either that, or I may just respond with a sweet but curt.. 'F*** off'
e.g 'Hey D would you like a cup of tea?'
D... 'F off!'

That may get me into unnecessary drama though.. so I suspect I'll just smile sweetly and let it go through one ear and out the other:)

A friend of mine has started chanting!!... Chanting!?!..just to stay centred!?!.. and detached from the liars, deceivers and ne'er do wells?..I asked her if she'd just watched ' what's love got to do with it?( The Tina Turner movie) she said no... she just needs to 'stop cursing her husband out!!'

I'm not chanting.
No. i'm not there yet.

Who do you trust?
Does it take a while for you too?
Or have you deceided not to trust anyone.. ever:)

*Anyway..Waterstones.. here I come!!
Then there's Cheries, Tony's, Sarah's.. Did Gordon publish his memoirs already?
hmmm maybe I better wait til payday!


  1. Trust is a messy one isn't it, a true test of your value judgement as you confer it on another, all the while really hoping they share the same world view and approach to life. I tend to trust and at the same time mitigate disappointment by reminding myself that we humans are not infallible. I confer trust on someone based on what I know (or think I know) of their character. As a precaution I always bring a very long spoon to the table

    As for politicians I trust them as far as I can throw. So Darling's memoirs came as no surprise - Brown should cuff him in the head for that

  2. I'm looking forward to reading Browns..:)
    I was surprised at Darling's as i've liked his style in the past.. So cool and calm.. don't think i've ever seen him flustered.. quieter than most I never expected it.. silly me!! after all.. why noy? he has a story to tell too I guess..What it does signal to me though is maybe he has no intention of returning to Govt..

    Wonder how Brown feels when he hears all this stuff..

    hmm yes.. a very long spoon..
    Ironically I think you have to trust someone to know whether or not you can trust them lol.. caution to the wind an' all that:)

  3. Chanting?? Are you serious? I sure hope she doesn't decide to pour some hot grits on her man! Personally, I'd rather pray.

  4. @Chocolate Covered Daydreams..Chanting as in a buddist kinda way:)
    she prays.. 'oh god give me strength'.. that kind of thing!!
    she'd never harm him.. despite all she says.. she loves him..although sometimes i suspect she wishes she didn't..
