Sunday 24 April 2011

5 ways to keep your lover happy

1. Touch
Does not have to be restricted to the bedroom. A gentle touch on the arm – an embrace - a kiss…can work wonders!. It reminds your partner that you find them desirable – that you care. For us ladies it makes us feel protected – don’t fear it… it may not be very English (stiff upper lip an all that) but break that repressed style if you can..It’ll be well worth it…they wont bite!.. (unless you ask) just simply… touch

2. Dress up
Every so often it’s nice to know your loved one has made an effort for you. If you work in an area that doesn’t really enable you to dress as nicely as you would like to – when you get home... change
Remember the way you were when you just met? If you have just met chances are it’ll come naturally

3. Argue
Just because you love someone doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything they say. You are allowed to have your own opinions... remember you are still your own person. A good argument can get the blood flowing – heart pumping…pls note... I said a ‘good’ argument. It’s important not to go too far!!.. Besides ... making up will always be extra special.

4. Agree
This may at first appear contradictorily taking into account what I just said but it’s not… honest. It’s important to back each other up when needed. In fact. If you’re compatible you should agree on issues of real importance. Or find a way to agree to disagree. Still. As I’ve said before. Your partner should be your greatest fan and biggest supporter. You should never ‘side’ with anyone else against them ...(not in any serious way..I'm not talking about a competitive game of chess here!) If you find yourself doing that… you may be with the wrong person

5. Share
Your feelings and emotions. Be generous with who you are and what you’re doing. Allow your partner to share your ups and downs. Don’t starve them of their desire to be a part of your life. That’s what it’s all about

Happy SMSx

It's also Easter Sunday.. Enjoy those Easter Eggs if you have them..
I'm currently watching The Six Wives of Henry VIII with David Starkey.. It's 'great' - So much drama... romance - sex - intrigue - deceit.. oh hang on.. what there's a squirrel digging up my bloomin' garden.. tryna eat my germinating seeds!!I can't stand those things.....ay..... b****rd!!!
Spk laterxx

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